Sunday, March 28, 2010


God is so good. He keeps reminding me how nothing is sure; nothing is stable, but Him. Usually, this uncertainty is a killer for me. I'm really good at putting trust and confidence in people so when they let me down, I am really let down. Silly, I know.

So today with confidence being built in the Lord, I started to just shoot the breeze. What is shooting the breeze to Allison? Well, tonight for a few moments it was having a delicious dinner with my parents, perusing my blogs, and crafting. Todays craft? a boutonniere. A low budget boutonniere. I repeat (just incase there is any conjecture). low budget. Don't judge me!!! I currently do not have boutonniere icrutraments on hand so I grabbed some scraps I have laying in my Crafting boxes. IE: felt, ribbon, feathers, and metal pins. One day, maybe after a trip to the store I will be able to show you something spectacular!

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