Friday, August 1, 2008

everyone, meet josiah

currently i am sitting in front of the office up at camp. Andrew decided it was a good idea to make me sit here, in the dark, with bugs... that at this moment i choose not to see, or hear. anyways i am sitting here trying to download bewitched off itunes. originally it was phantom of the opera because, andrew, lauren, and jeff are obsessed and they figure i should be too. not true..  so bewitched it is(andrew's choice- he loves chick flicks!)
just as i was setting up the laptop, this little boy walks up to the pay phone (Josiah). he called his mom and is telling her of his eventful day. "Today, No Today! so i got my wallet back today (apparently some kid named john stole it) and i got baptized today! when he told her this she asked him what it means to get baptized. He replied, " it means to show everybody that you know God."( so cute)

and For Cryn... i know im a little late on telling you so... here it is!.. i declare at 9:24 pm that today is blog rediculous  Myspace pictures of yourself... as we have previously discussed. JUMP ON THE BAND WAGON!...  its kinda like tag so i have decided to tag , CRYN. have fun love!

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