Friday, September 12, 2008

Angels Game

Last night my cousin Danyelle and I attended our annual angel game. From the moment we sat down till we got up to leave, the strangest things happened. okay, maybe not strange but interesting... interesting fun. In the first inning the umpire took a  hit to the Adam's apple with the ball. wooosh! and He was down. It looked so painful, but through the grace of God he was up and back in the game.  then (because danyelle and i dont do this often ),a faul ball came flying through the air, and at least looked like it was heading to us. Danyelle stood up to grab it but i think she miss judged the distance. Some guy even yelled, " Sit Down!" in the most unencouraging way.... the whole stadium effectively did the wave in unison. it was amazing! although the down side of this was, that as we were all focusing on the wave, another faul ball came flying through the air and hit some lady in the crotch. thank God she was sitting, so it more so fell in her lap. And the stadium did some special things because it was September 11th.