Thursday, April 9, 2009

ten minutes longer

i was reading one of jon courson's devotionals yesterday morning and the Lord spoke to me so clearly. he was talking about how so often we are ready to give up before we should. jon made a lot of interesting points and it was so completely encourageing to me. one of the quotes he used in this devotion was about being brave. he said, (loosly translated) those who are brave are'nt brave because they are super spiritual or anything of that sort. they are just brave for ten minutes longer. Oh God give me the courage,strength and endurance to be brave for ten minutes longer!
ill quote in correctly when i actually get out of school for the day!- blessings

1 comment:

Magdalene Barbara said...

"The sage was right when he said that the brave man is not braver than any other, but simply braver for ten minutes longer."