maggie riding her invisible bike "Oh Lord God of Israel, do with your hands what you have spoken with your mouth"- 2 chronicles 6 we made a turtle( denver). he is made of sad, salt water, sea weed,pebbles, and newspaper... yes newspaper. sand piper rainbow's ice cream... delicious! After my first day of mid terms i was given a day off. Finally! It was so nice to get away.
originally i was inspired to create a Ninja Turtle, however upon application i came to realize there is no red in my color pallet. so sad... anyway tomorrow is another day! and im so excited for it, well half excited... im half excited because i was successfully able to talk my friend Michael into coming to get a back facial from me. upon almost begging for him to come in for a visit, he replied, " what the heck is a back facial?" hahah! i love that guys dont know these things. once i expained that it's pretty much a hour and fifteen minute massage, he was all for it. THE other half of my half excitedness is due to the fact that i have a HUGE anatomy test tomorrow. HUGE!!! and i should probably studying for it. No, i know i should be. but im at the point where im sooo overwhelmed that i just cant study. have you ever needed to clean your room so badly and when you went into clean it, all you could do is stand there staring? thats how i feel- overwhelmed to the point of no return... and now i am more motivated to go clean my room than to study!!! ahhh! i need water.
today a couple of people, i think from a communications class or something, were giving out free hugs. i did receive a free hug from one of these individuals... and today was also a weird day. this guy kept coming by my group of friends at school and asking us where our green was. apparently he jumped over this hedge at school and was disappointed i missed it. i told him to do it again but i think he was late for class from all his lolleygagging, and was going to show me when he came back( the things boys will do for attention- just silly). one of my friends at school was convinced he and i needed to start dating so she wrote my name and number on a piece of paper to give him. Praise Jesus i Grabbed it out of her hand before she could give it to him. today, in Honor of St. Patrick's day, i decided to do a camo/ GI Joe makeup display.
Tomorrow i will be leading worship at Calvary Chapel Dixon. i NEED All of your prayers! i have been going through a ton of spiritual warfare as i will be speaking on Purity as well... pray for my flight, that God would speak to me and that HE would bring to remembrance all i need and keep those things that i need not remember away.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
praise God for Facial teachers who love Jesus!!! today was such a blessing
My Friend Maggie decided today was a good day to get a tattoo. being late for school+ going to starbucks to read my Bible instead of going to theory(anatomy)+ brand new client +tips+ making people laugh during facials+flesh+ ink+ blood+Newport Beach+ Boy that likes to share Laventina's Pizza + Pepsi+Friends = one great tuesday
today i was much obliged to help my dear friend move into her new apartment. Apparently Ocean Side is the Place to be... or so I'm told... PRAY FOR BRYN AND REGIS!
this class is taking a huge toll on me- physically, spiritually, emotionally... im exhausted, and now sick!... pray for my health. i cant afford to be sick. three more months to go and i am out of there. PRAY FOR MY SANITY!!!
On saturday morning Adri and I drove up to the mountains to lead worship at the CCCM Jr. High winter camp. we made surprisingly great time. I lead worship with a band on Saturday night and this morning adri and i lead worship for a communion service. On the way home Adri and i stopped off on the side of the road to get some snow for her boyfriend Norman and i made a snow man.