I have been meditating on the Faithfulness of the Lord as of Late... as well as his Majesty. In church this morning we were talking about Jesus' triumphant entry, and how He came in peace riding on a donkey. The Crowds shouted with all there heart, Hosanna! Save Now! yet only a couple days later when He didn't do what they wanted him to or the way they wanted him to,they screamed with animosity, Crucify Him!
John, my pastor, Spoke of the temple being defiled with money changers, making it a den of thieves, and how he turned over the tables. Yet, bringing it all back challenging us to search our hearts to see if we have been defiling God's temple, in making it a den of thieves or what have you. There was alot to think about. Alot of tears and alot of burdens lifted. I love when the Lord does a work in His body that is external. it's a blessing to see hearts broken before the Lord that they may allow him to bind, build up, and heal. The thing that stuck out to me the most however, was when my pastor was talking about how, the first time Jesus came in peace but the second time he will come to make war. " Now i saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called FAITHFUL and TRUE, and in righteousness He judges and makes war"... Revelation 19:11 I LOVE the part about Him being called Faithful and True. because when my flesh doubts his faithfulness and truth, it doesn't strip him of his faithfulness and truth, He STILL remains faithful and true. praise God He does not waiver as my emotions do!!! Rest on that today!