Sunday, December 14, 2008

tis the season...

      saturday night seemed like the perfect night for a gingerbread house making party. As i was planning a time for it to start(5:00pm)and tried to figure out a way i wouldn't have to buy tons of graham crackers, candy, icing, sprinkles etc,
the Lord worked everything out. the week prior, the Jr. High ministry at CCCM had a gingerbread house party, making me one blessed lady. I grabbed the ridiculous amount of leftovers and headed home. originally when i was planning, i thought the party wouldn't last long.
 in my head it was going to be a small window of time to get together with some ladies. as the night progressed, and the craziness grew, i looked at my cell to see that it was already midnight. For some reason my tiny get together that i thought was only going to last 3 hours at the most, turned into a 7 hour party. what a blessing it is to have friends who wont go home!


Sera Nelson said...

how come I wasn't invited ?

allisonescalante said...

i was actually going to put a sorry to you and jessy when i was writing this post. i realized that i left the text for you and jessy in my draft.

Magdalene Barbara said...

I am one of the friends who won't leave. Primarily, because it is like a second home. I mean, I know where the forks are, AND i purchased the peanut alive. My "word verification" is 'hedoz' interesting word. I'm going to use it sometime.