Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cello Rock

I used to hate the irvine spectrum... maybe that was just during the night time... (shrug) Anyway...
Today was wonderful. while strolling down the isles strewn with people, i heard a familiar sound making my heart leap. That sound that hugs you... Cello.
The cello drew me in. The pedals made me stay.... I sat down for a couple songs, clapping at the end of each song as if i made up the whole audience. Sitting there i thought, do i want a cd? yes. Are all the songs gonna sound the same? maybe?.. hmm.. Finally i figured: they are way too good to pass up. and USUALLY bands get better on their cd's - what with all the mastering and producing involved. Not so with this band. I will save there name from this piece because i feel the need to protect them. Though i was disappointed with the cd i purchased, i do love supporting the musical gifts that God gives, and would LOVe love LOVe to see them in concert sometime... they are simply lovely live! (disclaimer: i purchased only one of the three cds they have) this somehow seems to always happen to me

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